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Heritage Lawn Care Plus - 40% Black Tran


Turf Restoration & Installation

Heritage Lawn Care Plus, LLC offers turf restoration and installation services in the Greater Cincinnati area.


Sod Installs

The installation of sod is the fastest way to achieve a great stand of grass. We follow proper procedures to ensure the foundation/grade is perfect before we begin laying sod. Cultivating the existing soils and blending shredded topsoil as needed to create that smooth flow throughout the turf areas. We always ensure the proper amount of starter fertilizer is applied before we begin laying the sod. We also pay attention to the smallest of details like installing full pieces along all hard surfaces. This is important when it relates to the sod drying out. Smaller pieces will dry out faster than whole large pieces. The driveway, sidewalk, curb, or even a retaining wall will heat up quickly and begin drawing moisture from the sod immediately. That’s why our cuts always go on the inside of the new turf area. No job is complete until we have hand-watered every piece in thoroughly. The elements of success are simple: proper grade and preparation, food to get the sod started off right, and water. We give the homeowner very thorough guidelines to follow when it comes to watering. Also, when to mow it for the first time, everything you will need to know will be discussed and signed off on before we leave the job site.


Seed Installs
The procedures for sowing seeds are the exact same as laying sod. Success is in the preparation and we don’t skip steps. Once we have created the perfect seedbed and applied the proper amount of starter fertilizer, we then broadcast the best seed available on the market today. Fortunately for all our clients, we purchase our seed directly from the manufacturer. Not only do we pass our savings along to our clients, but we also guarantee the seed will germinate. We use the best of materials for ensuring success with the newest and smartest of straw blanket materials. This material has the proper amount of straw woven into biodegradable netting. This fantastic product goes down somewhat quickly “unless there are high winds” and is pinned down thoroughly. Pinning the straw blanket down thoroughly helps eliminate wash-out areas and makes it easy to walk over to move the sprinkler assuming you don’t have a sprinkler system. Once the grass has reached a height of 4 inches it is ready to be cut. Oh, and you do not remove the straw and or the netting. Eventually, the straw will break down and the netting will dissolve. It’s a great product. As stated above in the sod installation. Everything you will need to know will be discussed and signed off on before we leave the job site.

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